
Newspaper Report Wicklewood Workhouse - 1896

Norwich Mercury Saturday 12th September 1896

DISTRICT COUNCILS. Forehoe. The annual meeting of the Guardians was held on Monday, the Rev. J. B. P. Bartlett. J P-. in the chair The returns showed that there were 93 inmates compared , with 81 In corresponding date in 1895.. and 115 in 1893. 413 persons had received out-relief the preceding fortnight, as against 445 the corresponding period of last year, in(?)that of 1894. Sixteen persona had passed through the casual wards during that fortnight. The Clerk reported that had received agricultural rating returns from 15 parishes of the Union, and It was decided to summon a meeting of the Assessment Committee for the15th Inst. On the motion of Mr. Newton, It was decided to supply each member committee (not an overseer) with copy of recent orders.

Tenders were received from Mr. R Alpe. and Mr. Maynard, of Wymondham and Mr. Watts, of Hingham, for certain medical appliances and drugs required the Board. Mr. Smith called attention the fact that the Wymondham tenders were apparently in the same handwriting, and that the prices were identical evidence. he thought, of collusion on the part of these gentlemen. The Clerk did not consider it strange; the lists were prepared in his office prior being submitted to the chemists for prices. (Laughter.) Mr. Smith also submitted that the Hingham prices were much less than those of the Wymondham chemist, and proposed that Mr. Watts' tender be accepted. Messrs. Lyons, Harrowven, and others protested against paupers requiring medical appliances being compelled to travel from Cossey and neighbouring villages to Hingham and back and Mr. Lyons proposed that the articles shall be purchased as heretofore, having regard to the paupers convenience. A warm discussion ensued, resulting in Mr Lyons' amendment being carried. Rev.B Thackeray warmly protested against the action of the Board not accepting Hingham tender, and threatened to expose it in the Press.

A letter was received from the Local Government Board stating that they had written to Reliveing Officer Dawes stating that they had disapproved of his action in the case of Mrs. Eley, cautioning him to his future conduct. The Clerk, who is also Superintendent Registrar, reported Interview with Mr. A. Glasspole, re hours of registration Wymondham, as requested by the Board its last meeting, and presented list of registration stations with the hours attendance. The list stated that Mr. Glasspole is in attendance for registration purposes his office at Wymondham every day except Sunday from 8 to 9.30 a.m.. and the Clerk reported that Mr Glasspole stated at the Interview that his usual practice Is to register any hour that may be called upon when home. Mr. Watts said he could prove that this was not the usual practice. The Clerk also reminded the Board that Crownthorp and Kimberley were nearer Wicklewood Workhouse, where Mr. Glasspool Is due to attend from 9.30 to 10.30 a.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday each month. Rev. H. S. Clarke was loss to understand how even an excellent man like the Registrar could open his books at Wicklewood Workhouse the same time that he closes them at Wymondham. It was decided to suggest to the Registrar that it would more convenient if on one day his office hours extended until 12am. Mrs. Harvey, an Inmate, came before the Board request that her husband might sought for, and that the meanwhile she and her children might receive out-relief. The woman was Informed that he could only relieved in the Workhouse, and that efforts are being made discover the whereabouts of her husband, who is said have gone smacking.

Mr. Lyons called attention sad case of woman Cossey who, after about twelve months married life, had sought protection in the Workhouse from her husband's alleged brutality. Mr. Lyons said he had advised the woman to apply for separation order, but others had persuaded her to come to the Workhouse. He now asked if it was the duty of the assistant overseer to bring the woman here when she had home, husband, and provision the house. The woman came before the Board and stated that she was being starved, while her husband and step-son cruelly ill treated her. It was after ill treatment on Sunday that she had requested the assistant-overseer to convey her to Workhouse. The woman was informed that her husband would be requested to remove her from the Workhouse, and if he did not comply, he would be summoned for neglecting to maintain her.

The Master asked for three weeks' leave of absence, and presented medical certificate of ill health support of his application. Coupled with this was an application for ten days' leave of absence for his wife, who is the girls' caretaker, on the motion of Mr. Lane the applications were granted.

The Annual meeting of the District Council followed, the Rev. J. P. E. Bartlett in the chair. The Clerk stated that had written to the landlord of Robinsons cottage at Barford as directed, but had received no reply present. A Guardian stated that there was more than one landlord in the case, as Robinson had taken possession of one cottage after another, burning palings, doors, and window frames as went along, till six adjacent cottages are now 1 his undisputed possession, without any contribution to his parting rent or rates.

The following letter was received from the Local Government Board; •• Whitehall, September 2nd, 1896. I am directed by the Local Government Board to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19inst. with reference to the provision of hospital accommodation for the isolation of cases of Infectious disease occurring in the Forehoe Rural District, and l am to state that the Board; having communicated with their Inspector, Mr. Preston Thomas, are informed by him that the Infectious wards at the Workhouse arc not suited to serve as the Infectious hospital for the rural district, even were they were available for pauper patients, which they are not. The Board regrets that the Rural District Council have not decided make proper provision for Isolation of infectious cases arising in their district, a provision which experience shows is the best means of preventing epidemics which cause much suffering and considerable increase of mortality, and also throw heavy expense upon the rates." A discussion ensued as to advisability of acquiring possession of the adjacent cottages on the Workhouse estate, but no action was taken on the matter.